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What to do with sand making machine rusty?

Many customers have open-air sand production line construction, often weathered and easy to be rust, many customers are not seriously with it, in the fact that these will affect the productivity of the machine, if the rust is serious, it may affect the useful life of equipment. Jiaozuo Zhongxin technical engineers summarized the commonly used method of rust.

1, smear oxidation paint: the iron products coated with mineral oil, or baked enamel paint, spray and the like. In the steel surface by plating, hot dip coating methods such as a layer of rust on metal, such as zinc, tin, chromium, and nickel. The metal surface can form a dense oxide film, thereby preventing iron products and water, air and other substances in contact rust. The method can also be used to make chemical products, iron surface layer of dense and stable oxide film to prevent rusting iron products.
2 small pneumatic or electric rust: electrically powered or compressed air, assembling appropriate rust device, reciprocating motion or rotary motion to suit the requirements of rust on various occasions. The angle needle beam Scaler pneumatic, pneumatic knock rust hammer, tooth rotation Scaler, grinder, wire brush, a semi-mechanized equipment, tools, lightweight, large mobility, can go more thoroughly rust , old coatings, the coating can be roughened treatment, but can not reach the quality of the surface treatment quality, efficiency lower than the injection process.
3, high-pressure water abrasive blasting: the use of high pressure water jet impact and the role of the role of water damage pry coating on steel corrosion and adhesion. This method no dust pollution, does not damage the steel plate, greatly improving the efficiency of rust, rust and good quality. However, after the steel rust easily return to rust, to be dedicated with a wet coating rust paint, have a greater impact on the general performance of the coating of paint.

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